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Nature Foundation records Nesting Turtles

Par La rédaction
25 April 2017

The first nesting turtles of the season have arrived on the island shores. The first two nests are on Simpson Bay beach, a third siting was also recorded. The Nature Foundation has been actively monitoring the turtle nesting activities on island since 1999.

There are three main kinds of turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs. These are the endangered Leatherbacks, Hawksbill and Green Sea turtles that come ashore for the nesting season that runs from April - November.
Turtles are endangered and are protected by law. “It is illegal to kill, wound, capture or pick up turtles - Articles 16 and 17 of the Nature Conservation Ordinance St. Maarten.”
Be careful when you are on the beaches because it is also illegal to disturb the nests and surrounding beach, do not attempt to take the eggs, damage or destroy the turtles breeding places or cause any disturbance. Restaurants are asked not to shine lights at the nesting grounds and it is suggested that beach parties and bonfires do not take place near the demarcated area of the breeding areas. Leaving the nests undisturbed, allowing nature to take is course unhindered will go a long way in ensuring the survival of these beautiful creatures.
The Nature Foundation carries out beach surveys looking for the excavations made by the turtles for their nests. They will also carry out tagging and research on the turtles.
The Nature Foundation asks beach goers to report any turtle tracks, nesting activity or illegal activity that they may come across.
Findings can be reported to the Nature Foundation: tel. 544-4267 /

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